Name: Joshua Diamond
Age: 21
Occupation: Youth Development Worker
What does ‘doing your bit’ mean to you?
It means doing something incredibly important for the future: helping young Jewish people to fulfil their individual potential.
While I was a student in Birmingham I ran weekly programmes at the local JLGB group. I was able to introduce this smaller community to a national (and international) Jewish network. I also led post-GCSE students on a tour of Israel. I helped them to discover their own Jewish identity and to consider the journey they wish to take in the future – especially within the community.
What have you gained from JLGB?
It has made a huge impact on my life. I’ve developed a national network of contacts, colleagues and, most of all, close friends. And JLGB has given me the life skills I need to make my way in the world after graduating from university. Volunteering has also motivated me to fulfil my life ambition of creating a better world for our young people.
Why should others volunteer?
Because there is no better place than JLGB to put both passion and skills to use.
I believe that volunteering for the sake of young people’s development is the most rewarding thing that you can do. It helps to strengthen our community and lead the way to a better future. Anyone can talk about a better tomorrow, but volunteering with JLGB, is a very real way putting our ideas into practice.